SeedBox 1     [Habis Terjual]

Rp. 215,000 per Bulan

Dedicated Storage 1 TB *
Dedicated RAM 4 GB
Dedicated CPU 2 Core @ 1.6 GHz
Unlimited Active Torrent
Unmetered Bandwidth
Dedicated IP Address
250 Mbps Port Speed
✅ SSH Shell
✅ Allow Video/Audio Transcoding
✅ Wireguard VPN
* 1 TB Physical SATA HDD. Actual usage capacity may vary depending on the operating system and application installed.

SeedBox 2

Rp. 330,000 per Bulan

Dedicated Storage 2 x 1 TB *
Dedicated RAM 8 GB
Dedicated CPU 4 Core @ 3.1 GHz
Unlimited Active Torrent
Unmetered Bandwidth
Dedicated IP Address
250 Mbps Port Speed
✅ SSH Shell
✅ Allow Video/Audio Transcoding
✅ Wireguard VPN
* 2 x 1 TB Physical SATA HDD. Actual usage capacity may vary depending on the operating system and application installed.

SeedBox Custom Package

Rp. 0 per Bulan

Anda bebas menentukan spesifikasi server dan berikut dengan konfigurasi SeedBox. Sangat cocok untuk reseller (dapat dibuat paket-paket sendiri untuk dijual kembali). Ataupun digunakan berkelompok.
Up to 2 CPU Socket - Intel Xeon CPU
Up to 4 Bay SATA 3.5" HDD
Up to 2 Bay SATA 2.5" SSD
Up to 1x PCIe NVME
1 Gbps, atau 10 Gbps
100 TB Outbound atau Unmetered
Setup time 2 - 7 hari kerja
Silahkan buat tiket untuk pesanan ini.

Spesifikasi Dedicated Server